| 1. | Study on radio access network modeling in wcdma systems 系统中无线接入网建模的研究 |
| 2. | There are some differentiations in qos control of ( e ) gprs radio access network , which is the qos guarantee bottleneck of higher level traffic ( e ) gprs的无线接入网络的qos管理比较特殊,成为上层数据业务传输能否达到质量保证的瓶颈。 |
| 3. | For this purpose , a new mobility management scheme for 3g radio access networks , which combines mpls and hmipv6 in a lo . . 基于这种需求,可将mpls技术和hmipv6协议采用一种松耦合的方式结合起来,为3g的接入网部分提供一种新的移动性管理方案。 |
| 4. | As a consequence , it is now possible to envision that the further wireless networks can be assumed the huge and heterogeneous network , where different radio access networks on multiple protocols is co - existing 可以预想,未来移动通信网络将是各种无线接入网络( radioaccessnetworks , ran )共存的巨大异构无线通信体系。 |
| 5. | In this paper , we mainly focus on the support capability and qos technology of streaming traffic on ( e ) gprs radio access network , such as qos parameters and control architecture followed both new and old gprs technology specification 本论文主要研究( e ) gprs无线接入网络中流式数据业务的传输支持及其qos技术,包括新旧规范下的qos指标和管理控制。 |
| 6. | The integrating heterogeneous wireless technologies based on wireless access and software defined radio may be the efficient solution to provide seamless radio connectivity to different radio access networks within a small physical distance 无线接入技术与软件无线电技术( softwaredefinedradio , sdr )的融合被认为是实现不同无线接入网络整合通信的有效解决方案之一。 |
| 7. | Broadband radio access networks bran - hiperlan type 2 ; conformance testing for the data link control protocol - part 1 : basic data transport function ; sub - part 3 : abstract test suite specification endorsement of the english version en 数字表示法;出版物;出版;数字;文献摘要本标准规定了出版物在涉及数字表示时间长度质量面积容积等量值和数字代码时使用汉字和阿拉伯数字的体例。 |
| 8. | The high layer signaling - radio access network application part ( ranap ) is a very important part of iu intertface in the third generation mobile communication system . it is designed and realized in this paper . we are mainly in charge of the side of radio network controller ( rnc ) 本文主要介绍了第三代移动通信系统( wcdma )中无线网络控制器( rnc )侧的iu接口的高层信令无线接入网络应用部分( ranap )协议的软件设计与实现方案。 |
| 9. | Based on the studies of gprs streaming service model , radio access network communication protocol and qos related specification of 3gpp , we discussed the scheme of streaming traffic in ( e ) gprs radio access network , including mainly qos management module such as access control , flow control and scheduling 通过对3gpp中gprs流业务服务模型、无线子网络的通信协议以及qos相关规范的研究,讨论了具体流式数据业务传输在( e ) gprs无线接入网络中实现方案,包括接入控制、调度控制和流量控制等主要qos管理控制功能模块。 |